04 May 2008

Sabbath Seeking...and Finding


(graphic from Holy Experience)

Inspired by my sweet sister in the Lord, Ann at Holy Experience, my favorite blog I feast upon daily, I humbly join others in the community of Jesus-faith in pausing to seek and find the "small" miracles of blessing in my life. I am asking the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of my eyes that I may see the many gifts bestowed upon me by the Giver of all good things. Depth of vision comes from a pair of eyes: One being the lens of whom He has made me to be in every facet of my being--a unique creation across the span of time--and the other is His chosen providences allowed to take place in my life as an expression of His indescribably good and perfect will.

This list is of gifts I have. Not gifts I want. How full and free are the joys of life that come to us, not as trinkets in gaudy wrappings, but as simple things...like love notes left by the Lover of my soul for me to find. Each everyday blessing unfolding His presence, His grace, His delight, over me, His precious bride. How I am eager to search my days for those things that bring a remembrance of His love...and wrap them up for Him in a weekly letter-gift of thanksgiving each Sunday.

There is abundance and contentment, only a thoughtful glance away. Beginning with #1...to #1000 (and beyond?)...be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart. Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, still be my vision, O ruler of all:

1. Beautiful hymn expressions of beautiful truths
(see video above)

2. Poetic prayers from centuries past
that speak to my heart today

(graphic from Amazon)

3. A refreshing, cool spring breeze

4. A mother holding my hand during Sunday worship,
wordless communion

5. Daddy taking children for a bike ride,
little colorful helmets weaving down the road

6. A mellow dog that is always happy to see me

7. A love note from my daughter to the world
(my graphic)

8. A rediscovered love for writing

9. Faithful, accepting friends

10. Giggly laughter from my son's favorite joke
("What is a baby's favorite constellation? The big diaper!")

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