05 December 2010

This Duty, This Delight

inspiration and logo from holy experience

"We never approach God without cause for gratitude.
a duty and delight
greatly prominent in the Bible,
is the declarative mood of gratitude -
a bright fire in the world's frigid zone,
the memory and homage of the heart,
a master force in soul-building,
the greatest tonic faith has.

Be ye thankful."

attributed to Robert G. Lee

This duty, this delight! A simple spiritual discipline that melts cold indifference and sets the soul aflame... Counting... thanking... living...


The Winter's first snow fall

Greeted in the early morning by a dusting of white.
Before the house awakes to the wonder
I step out into the white.

Down steps
as leaves poke their heads through the cold

Even a light snow
has its beauty and serene quiet

Autumn is not content
to pass away entirely into that good night.
It leaves its memories
even as Winter takes the stage.

Spidery lines of the Creator's design.
If we only have hearts to seek
and eyes to see.

Hints of spring to come,
there is always
after death.
always puts it in that order,
not the reverse.
All things
in His hands,
lead to
l i f e.


We begin... to wait

Our Advent celebration begins
(better late than never!)
Family gathered around fire and candle,
words of life spoken,
blessing beyond expectation.
Download this free Advent devotional here.



Kids receive a Christmas treat from Grammie
and I feel like a kid again

Join the joy of the Gratitude Community! See the link in the menu bar at the top.


Annesta said...

You are so blessed with a way of putting words together to turn hearts toward Him...the true meaning of life...the reason we bow in gratitude for all the multitude of gifts.
I pray for you often and wish you a very lovely day of Sabbath rest today as you recharge for another busy week.
grace to you

Elise said...

Such a beautiful list of thanks! Lovely pictures from a lovely Creator... may we all have eyes to see His handiwork! Thank you for sharing!

Kristy said...

Oh how I wish I lived where it snowed! Sounds (and looks) beautiful!
I love to see how other people are doing their Jesse Tree!
Blessings :)
