15 June 2008

A-Countin' We Will Go...


(graphic from Holy Experience)

"Be thankful for the smallest blessing,

and you will receive greater.
Value the least gifts no less than the greatest,
and simple graces as especial favors.
If you remember the dignity of the Giver,
no gift will seem small or mean,
for nothing can be valueless
that is given by the Most High God."

~ Thomas a Kempis (c. 1380-1471)

51. A certain female monthly cycle is OVER
for this month
(Weird to post, I know...but they are getting so
AWFUL now during perimenopause!)

52. Husband's extremely yummy chocolate cookies,
warm & chewy from the oven

53. "You're the best mom ever
in the whole world!"

54. Dropping off daughter to join her church small group
to visit & minister to forgotten elders
at the local nursing home

55. Husband takes my hand to pray
about our (unknown) future

56. A surprise: gentleman from my church
who volunteered to run the sound system
for my Dad's memorial service
recorded the service on a CD
just because he thought we might like to have it

57. "Stop that!"--words from a friend
who recognizes my words of self-condemnation
and won't let me get away with it

58. Finally, after years, painted some walls,
put up precious family photos
and accessories stored in the garage
(many FREE thanks to that ole credit card rewards program
or a neighbor's stuff left for the trash man by the side of the road)
enjoying some beauty and decluttered space
to breathe in
(Plus the Salvation Army gets needed furniture
for a client's apartment--God's providential timing!)

59. Kids that love to snuggle and huggle

60. The freedom to go to church without fear of persecution

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