29 June 2008


(graphic from Holy Experience)

Continuing to feed my faith of today with a memorial of the Lord's provision of the past,
the "freebie hunt" from my last post...It's just too much fun to stop...
Here is a list of the free blessings that our gracious God has given to our family.
His hand is full of grace
in things both big and small.
How grateful I am to be His child.

83. A complete dining room set
of table (with leaf) and four chairs.
And the green seats of the chairs happen to match
the green stripe in the wall paper perfectly.
84. An antique desk handed down from my father's family

85. A sewing machine that flips down into its own cabinet

86. Wonderfully framed print by Norman Rockwell
of the Golden Rule

87. Antique pie safe handed down from my father's family

88. An artificial Christmas tree
(and almost all the ornaments we use)

89. Not one, but two large lateral filing cabinets,
the kind you see in an office

90. These inline skates,
plus two more pairs in use while I took the photo.
A pair for each member of our family.

91. Two of these like new very nice bicycles
for me and my sweetheart.
I like them because you can sit straight up in them
instead of having to bend over.

92. We are
still burning firewood each Winter
from downed trees in our yard from the 2003 hurricane Isabel
(covered with a tarp to delay rotting)

93. ...Bumpin' along in my little read wagon...

94. A john boat--perfect for fishing on our lake

95. A wooden swing for those solitary moments at the lake
or with family roasting marshmallows around the campfire

96. A new gas grill
(which came in especially handy during Isabel!)

97. Playhouse for little ones and their imagination

98. More fun for the kids:
slide, play table, chair
all precariously arranged here by the kids
as a pool slide

99. A new Sony 400 CD jukebox with remote
(before the days of the iPod)

100. And...even the very shoes I'm wearing today!

And I'm still not done!
There are even more provisions that the Lord has gifted us
without cost.
And these are just the material blessings...Oh, how much more amazing are those blessings to our spirits, to the soul within!
How lavish is His love for those who place their trust in Him.
Next Sabbath day, the freebie hunt continues...

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